Madison and Hannah

Madison and Hannah

Hannah at 10 months

Hannah at 10 months
Funny girls

Friday, April 24, 2009

April 2009 update

I haven't written for a long time due to the time constraints of taking care of my little munchkins.  Everything is going good for our family with the exception of terribly missing our brave and amazing daughter, Michelle who is deployed.  Thus this update because I caught some cute Madison stuff and wanted to attach it to this blog in the hope that Michelle can download it.  Madison is growing up so fast.  She is now minus two front teeth, the only one in her school and she is very proud.

The below video I took with my phone after we arrived at the dance studio where Madison takes a Hip Hop class.  Poor thing was so tired from her day a school.  She did wake up right after I took this and did great at Hip Hop.